Thursday, July 27, 2017

HOUSE TREEN of PARKWOOD - The Landy is coming!

Introducing the Hounds of House Treen (a nod to Game of Thrones for those of you who are not fans of the show.)

Our two originals are: 

Dusty the Red Cloud Kelpie aka "Big Girl" who is 11. Pretty easy going, scared of thunder and loud noises, likes to bark.

I'm cool.

Just don't piss me off.

Ned the Black and Tan Kelpie aka "Stinky" is 8.

A real farm dog.

All round cutie.

And TV addict. 

Jamie  the Poodle Cross aka "J'amie" commonly referred to as Little White Dog (so he doesn't know we're talking about him - he's too intuitive for his own good) is about 7, came from the pound and was inherited by us after my mum passed away.

Jamie of House Treen - The Landy is coming.

Sand flag and hi viz? Yes you little sh*t and iPhone too.  I will find you where ever you run.

Food thief too. 

Then there are the visitors

Molly aka "Mon Mon" the Rhodesian Ridgeback who seems to sleep a lot, when she gets settled.

And last but not least "Archie" the Bichon/Maltese/Silky?  Yeah, yeah, we've all heard the joke about what his mum got up too.

Cuteness faxtor X 2 - don't be fooled, they're bossy little buggers.

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Hmmm, decisions, decisions.  I've been thinking about whether to remove and replace the badly rusted pieces of the chassis before I send...